This second installment of the best-selling saga, which has been a worldwide phenomenon, is packed with action and memorable characters. It will be a huge hit with Sarah J. Maas’s enormous fan base.
Although Celaena Sardothien is now the champion of the king, she is far from loyal towards the Crown. The king is evil and Celaena, trapped in the web of intrigues, mysteries, and secrets of the crystal castle cannot trust anyone. Not even Prince Dorian, Chaol’s captain of the guard or her friend, Princess Dorian. Nehemia.
Celaena will have to make a decision about who she is loyal to and who she will fight for when something unexpected happens.
Midnight Crown is book two in the Throne of Glass Series. This book is far superior to the first.
Midnight Crown starts where Throne of Glass finishes. Celaena is now the assassin for the king of Adarlan. Cain was eliminated from the main competition after winning the contest. Now, he serves the king. She does all the dirty work, killing any threat the king considers to be a threat and without asking for suggestions or questions.
Celaena, however, is unable kill innocent people and risk her position and freedom. This leaves those people in danger. Each of them has two choices: kill Celaena now or leave Rifthold forever.
The secrets of the king are slowly being revealed, which is why Queen Elena keeps appearing every time Celaena visits her tomb, as well as the bizarre behavior of Princess Nehemia.
Midnight Crown was a story full of action, twists, turns and many emotions. I was always curious about what would happen next, who committed the crimes and the identity of the king.
Although the first book was an introduction to the world and culture of Celaena’s, it was only in the second book that I saw the full potential of the story. This book is full of action and dynamism, as this is where the story begins. While the author continues to explain the meaning of things, Sarah J. Maas manages to keep the mystery alive throughout the story. She uses riddles and characters who pretend to be one thing, and end up being another. Particularly Dorian and Celaena’s secrets, it was a mini-heart attack. I love this book because it combines romance and fantasy.
Review: Sarah J. Maas Midnight Crown
midnight crownTitle Midnight Crown
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Alfaguara
Synopsis: This second installment of the best-selling saga, which has been a worldwide phenomenon, is packed with action and memorable characters. It will be a huge hit with Sarah J. Maas’s enormous fan base.
Although Celaena Sardothien is now the champion of the king, she is far from loyal towards the Crown. The king is evil and Celaena, trapped in the web of intrigues, mysteries, and secrets of the crystal castle cannot trust anyone. Not even Prince Dorian, Chaol’s captain of the guard or her friend, Princess Dorian. Nehemia.
Celaena will have to make a decision about who she is loyal to and who she will fight for when something unexpected happens.
Opinion of a personal observer
Midnight Crown is book two in the Throne of Glass Series. This book is far superior to the first.
Midnight Crown starts where Throne of Glass finishes. Celaena is now the assassin for the king of Adarlan. Cain was eliminated from the main competition after winning the contest. Now, he serves the king. She does all the dirty work, killing any threat the king considers to be a threat and without asking for suggestions or questions.
Celaena, however, is unable kill innocent people and risk her position and freedom. This leaves those people in danger. Each of them has two choices: kill Celaena now or leave Rifthold forever.
The secrets of the king are slowly being revealed, which is why Queen Elena keeps appearing every time Celaena visits her tomb, as well as the bizarre behavior of Princess Nehemia.
Midnight Crown was a story full of action, twists, turns and many emotions. I was always curious about what would happen next, who committed the crimes and who the mystery was behind the king.
Although the first book was an introduction to the world and culture of Celaena’s, it was only in the second book that I saw the full potential of the story. This book is full of action and dynamism, as this is where the story begins. While the author continues to explain the story and introduce us to the characters, Sarah J. Maas manages to keep the mystery alive throughout the book. She uses riddles and characters who pretend to be one thing, and end up being another. Particularly Dorian and Celaena’s secrets, every revelation was a mini-heart attack. I love this book because it combines romance and fantasy.
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Crown of Midnight allows you to see the motivations and personalities of the characters in greater detail. It is important to say that I have suffered for Chaol, and Nehemia.
I find the relationship between Chaol and Celaena to be very touching. Chaol is my favorite male character, despite me spoiling myself with BookTok and Instagram. I am a little more impressed by his loyalty to his people, and the sacrifices he is willing to make.
“Celaena glanced at Chaol, and realized that he was back home.”
Dorian appears to be a decent person, and he is very loyal to his principles. But Chaol is the kind of man that makes you reconsider if you’re given the option.
Corona Midnight was the perfect place to see why Celaena had been Aldaran’s assassin. This is where the cruel side of Celaena is revealed and there are many scenes that show it. The ease and difficulty he overcomes his opponent have fascinated me. It was like experiencing it in the first person, with every detail and expression.
Death was both her curse and her gift. She had also been a good friend through all these long, hard years.
Sarah J. Maas is a very nimble, highly addictive pen. It’s almost like I have it on an altar. But I can’t help but feel it. His writing style makes it easy to get lost in the pages, and you can’t wait to return. I was captivated by the length of the chapters. They are not dense, but they can be separated into parts that can be viewed from different perspectives.
I was captivated by the action, tension and mystery. However, there was one thing that I found a little predictable. It was almost as if everything had suddenly been revealed to me. The book ends with everything taking a 180-degree turn.
Midnight Crown is a worthy 5 star book. As the third book continues and develops the plot, the end is not clear. You will soon see the review of book 3.
This means you have very little to lose but a lot of potential to gain. That makes people dangerous. They are relentless.”
Hey, Bill Stapleton here. I am a rocket engineer by trade, golf enthusiast and avid reader.
Apart from golf, reading de-stresses me and allows me to get my sanity back. This review blog is my creative way to relax and switch off from work.
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